Red wines can generally last longer than whites and red wine with more tannic acid can last longer than those with lower levels. Those stored properly in a cool dark apace with proper humidity can last longer than those stored in less than ideal conditions.
It totally depends on what wine it is. Some, like a Beaujolais Nouveau, should be consumed within months of bottling. Others, like some Bordeaux wines, Ports, or Sauternes, can be enjoyed 50 or 100 years later.
Also, to keep a bottle long term, good storage conditions are necessary. A dark, vibration-free, somewhat humid (70%), and cool (55 to 57F) environment is ideal.
There are some types of wine that will stay good up to 3 years. Other wines can stay good for much longer times and is better with age. However, each wine is different.
White wines generally have a shorter shelf life than reds. If properly stored, it could last for 2-3 years.
Minutes, probably. Red wine should not be left unopened. The wine continues to oxydize. It should be sealed if not finished.
Sadly, not long, especially if it's Amontillado, they're only good for like a month. Medium Dry sherries should be good for about a year.
Portuguese green wine is known as Vinho Verde. Vino Verde is a wine that should be drunk soon after purchase. So try to drink it 1 year after purchase.
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It is good for about a day. Then it will get really nasty if its in the summer. In the winter it might go for a little longer.
If refrigerated 2-4 weeks depending on how many times the bottle is opened. With each exposure to air 21 % oxygen this will increase oxidation. Not good with a wine withe the sugar content of plum wine. dr Dr.Nurse
about 3-5 days depending on how you store it
Probably, as long as it's inside checked luggage and not a carry-on bag.
yes...if u dont want it i would be glad to drink it for u
Cheap wines are made and sold to be drunk immediately. They will not improve with age. You could keep a bottle of cheap red or white in a drinkable condition for about three years, but it won't be as good as the day you bought it.