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Depends on the humidity in your home and what you use for a storage container. If you live in Tucson AZ, it's winter, and the humidity is 6%, they're liable to last months. If you live on Maui and it's September, the humidity is 99.99%, they might go stale in a very few days, or for that matter, they're likely to be stale when you buy them. Storing them in a canning jar, or a leftover jar with a soft type seal ring on the lid (such as a spaghetti sauce jar) which forms an airtight seal prevents moisture exchange will greatly extend the period of freshness. Jeff the Chef

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Q: How long do pistachios last before they go stale?
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Unopened they can last a few months. In the fridge even longer, probably 6-12 months. Opened, they will only last 4-7 days before they start to tast funny and go stale if you dont put them in a fridge. You can still smoke them but it wont taste as fresh as the first few you had from the pack. Stay Lit!

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How many pistachios are in a pound?

We used a wooden spoon balanced on a thin piece of Lego. We put 1.75 OZ bag of taco seasoning on one end and a plastic baggie on the other end full of pistachios on the other end. To get the spood to balance it took 59 pistachios in the shell. It took an additional 4 pistachios to get the spoon to tip toward the pistachios and 4 less to get it to tip toward the taco seasoning. Since the spoon was shaped a little different it was hard to make sure we got the taco seasoning and the bag of pistachios the same distance from the Lego but we were close. We ate 3 lbs (48 oz) of pistachios last night during the final four and we were wondering how many that really was. So we divided 48 oz by 1.75 and then mulitplied it times 59 to get 1618 pistachios. Since we ate 3 lbs we divided 1618 by 3 and got 539.33 per pound. With the margin of error of 4 per 1.75 oz that could make a margin of error of 37 per pound. SO there is 500 to 580 pistachios in the shell per pound. No real answer, pistachios come in different sizes and caliber. the number of pistachios in one ounce is the caliber of the pistachios. so for example US pistachios 21-25 means: USA pistachios and in one ounce there are from 21 to 25 nuts. another example can be Iranian pistachios long 30-32: means the origin is Iranian and there are from 30 to 32 nuts in one ounce. one ounce is a bit more than 28 grams.

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