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That somewhat depends what that date is on the carton - a pack date or expiration.

If it is a pack date, they should be good for a month if stored properly. If it is an expiration, they will still be good to eat if the eggs have been properly handled and stored under refrigeration. See Related Links.

As for how long they will be good, the older they are, the whites become thin and the yolks won't stand so tall.

Some suggest placing the eggs in water. If they float, consider them not good, although a spoiled egg generally leaves no doubt in your mind once you break the shell. That's one reason why cooks learn to crack eggs separately to check them before using them in recipes.

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Q: How long can you use eggs after date on carton?
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Eggs can typically be stored in the refrigerator at 55 degrees Fahrenheit for about 2-3 weeks before their quality starts to decline. It's important to check the expiration date on the carton and use the eggs within a reasonable timeframe for best quality.

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1 whole carton, and 1/4 of another carton, so you have 3.75 cartons left.

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Not necessarily. An egg sinking or floating in water is more about its freshness. Fresh eggs will typically sink to the bottom while older eggs may float slightly. To determine if an egg is out of date, check the expiration date printed on the carton or use the "sell by" date as a guideline.

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Six eggs x two eggs (or twelve x two) in an egg carton is far more stable than other arrangements. A carton of eggs arranged four x three would be unwieldy to handle and store, and result in more frequent breakages. Four x two would be a good size for consumers who don't use eggs much, but it isn't an easily marketable size. Where I live you do sometimes see twelve x twelve cartons, but they're tricky to handle.

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You would use the word "then" when you are telling a sequence of events. For example: First, I went to the store. Then, I looked for the Dairy section and bought a carton of eggs. Finally, I went home. I hope this helped!

How long will food keep without electricity?

Eggs can actually be kept at room temperature until their use-by date. However this is a UK guideline, so may not apply to hotter countries. In the case of warmer countries, as long as the eggs are still cold, they'll be alright to use or refrigerate when the power comes back on.

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Only baby food has a EXPIRATION date. Other foods have Best By, Use by or other such words. That means that under USUAL storage conditions the food will still be good. The food does not turn "bad" at midnight of the date on the carton. Once opened it should be resealed and kept below 40 Degrees F. It should be good for 3-4 days. It can even be frozen. Frozen stock lasts 4-6 months.

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