You can't live without FOOD! Its plan and simple eat the right proportions and get enough excierse and you will be fine!
canned food dose not give Cancer but if it stays in the can to long after you open it you may get sick
Botulism is associated with canned foods and not fresh because the bacteria associated with it, Clostridium botulinum only lives in improperly canned and preserved foods.
Canned foods tend to have more sodium in them due to the fact that they are intended for long shelf lives, and sodium helps with preservation of freshness.
Can they? Yes. Should they? No. Canned foods are very high in sodium and are processed. Everyone should stick to fresh food if they have the option.
for the canned products are the only treatment of having botulism
Eden Foods is a brand name for canned tomatoes. Eden Diced Tomatoes is a canned food.
Since 1910 When Aimee's Man Eatin Mother Was Born :D
Actually canning foods is a way to kill off bacteria so that they will last a long time. But some foods are made by using bacteria and then those foods are sterilized while being canned. Sauerkraut and pickled foods are prepared this way. But the bacteria don't sterilize the food,the high heat does.
There were NO canned foods available in the 18th century.
Canned foods suffered a decline at the beginning of the 1990s as consumers turned to fresh and frozen products in a search of healthier foods.
The canned foods industry generated more than $14.5 billion in sales in the late 1990s