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I pick strawberries every June and freeze enough to last until the next year. So in answer to your question, frozen strawberries will last about a year in the freezer, maybe longer ( though the "pro's" say less, so that you will toss it away and buy more . . . )

When you freeze strawberries, wash them and remove the caps. If they are very large, you can cut them in half. I fill a large zip-loc full of washed berries, then add about a cup of sugar, roll it around to distribute the sugar, then remove as much air as I can ( a vacuum sealer would be WONDERFUL ) and freeze them.

Since I am not too fond of sugar, when I am ready to use the strawberries ( 1/2 Cup in a smootie every morning ) I rinse the sugar off them.

Good Luck !

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15y ago

Hi check out this web address ---

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12y ago

All food can be stored I the freezer for life, but to get the best flavour upto a month

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16y ago

You can keep strawberries in your freezer for up to a year.

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12y ago

Why would i know?

i guess around 5 days in water

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10y ago

Defrosted strawberries will be mushy once they are thawed. They can stay in the refrigerator for a week before they start to go bad.

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Q: How long can strawberries be frozen before they go bad?
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As long as it doesn't smell bad you can eat it, as long as it has been fully frozen it will not go bad (Though it might dry out a bit)

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I think you should be fine as long as it was just overnight in room temperature.

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Strawberries can stay out of the refrigerator for several hours, or even overnight. However, you should refrigerate them as soon as possible, since the longer they are left out the faster they will go bad.

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No, they are one of the lowest in purines.

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Not nessesarally it doesn't it depends on how long you have had it in your fridge also.

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strawberries are fruit, and fruit in EVERY case are healthy for your body. Eating anything in excess is bad,

Is it bad to eat too much strawberries?

Uhhh you like die.