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For best results you should freeze on the day of purchase.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

6 moths in regular freezer.

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Q: How long can i freeze cooked steak?
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Related questions

You left your steak thawed out at room temp for 5 hours should you discard it?

It should be fine to be cooked if it is the first time it is thawed. Don't freeze the steak again.

What is well cooked steak called?

A well-cooked steak is referred to as well done.

Can Geckos eat steak if so cooked or uncooked?

Geckos are carnivorous animals. Therefore, they can eat steak. It's better that they are fed uncooked steak, as long as the steak is safe to eat.

How long will grilled steak stay fresh in the refrigerator?

Cooked steak will keep in the fridge for 3-5 days.

What does a frshly cooked steak smell like?

it smells steak

Can beef steak cause a person to have diarrhea?

yes if it sat too long before it was cooked

How long does chicken fried steak last in the fridge?

Cooked chicken fried steak should be safe to eat, if it has been refrigerated, for 3 to 4 days.

Can you freeze a beef joint been cooked in oven?

Yes, you can freeze a cooked beef joint.

How do you tell a steak is bad if already cooked in a restaurant?

If several parts of the steak are black.

How many calories in steak and corn on the cob?

Calories in steak and corn on the cobThe calorie content of steak and corn on the cob depends on such things as how the steak and corn are cooked, what kind of steak is used, the weight of the steak and corn, whether you add butter to the corn and if so how much. For the calories in cooked steak by weight, and the calories in cooked corn on the cob by weight, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How many calories in steak and potatoes?

The calorie content of steak and potatoes depends on how the steak and potatoes are cooked, what kind of steak and potatoes are used, and the weight of the steak and potatoes. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more details. Alternatively, for the calories in cooked steak by weight, and the calories in cooked potatoes by weight, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Should a t-bone steak be cooked rare?

A steak should be cooked how the person you are cooking it for likes it, you should always ask how the person likes their steak cooking. Some people like their steak rare, some medium and some well done.