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Do-ree-toes. I used to pronounce it Do-ree-toss :p

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Q: How do you pronounce the company Doritos?
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Related questions

What agency handles Doritos advertising?

The "Doritos" brand of corn chips is owned by Pepsi-Co. This company have their own marketing division which handles all advertising for their brands.

Who owns the frito company?

this may sound but Missy Elliot owns doritios look up and see for yourself no lie

Where is doritos made now?

To make a dorito the kernels are cooked, washed and ground to make a masa dough. The dough is then kneaded and rolled flat into thin sheets, which are then cut into the classic Doritos shape. The chips are subsequently toasted, cooked in Sunseed oil, seasoned and packed

When were Doritos patented?

Doritos were patented in 1966.

Is there a motto for Doritos?

Yes, the motto for Doritos is "FOR THE BOLD"

What year were doritos made?

Doritos is a brand of flavored tortilla chips created by Arch West and produced since 1964 by the American food company Frito-Lay (a division of PepsiCo, Inc.).[1] Doritos are sold in many countries worldwide in assorted flavors.Source: Wikipedia

What year was Doritos start being made?

Doritos, a type of chip made from ground corn, corn oil, and seasoning, were invented by Arch West and they have been produced since 1964 by Frito Lay, an American food company.

Who invented Doritos Chips?

Invented in the mid-1960's by Arch West, an executive VP at Frito-Lay, who released them in 1966.Frito lays is the company that founded doritos

How do you say I love Doritos in Spanish?

Me encanta los Doritos

How they flavor the new cheese burger doritos?

lot of doritos

What is the pH level of Doritos?

Doritos are about a 4.3 on the pH scale!

What was the first favor of doritos?

nacho cheese is doritos original flavor.