It's not possible to cook it without heat or marinating, but it can be eaten raw as sushi.
the gas that released by fish is a carbon that the fish can live at the water without a air. and the fish can not live if without small amount of air. and process by breathing with amount of air that all the animals and humans can breath.
You can't "process" fish, only other fish can "produce" fish.
It is not possible to remove the meat of a fish without killing the fish.
Ancient Egyptians mummified all sorts of living things including cats, dogs, rodents, fish, snakes, crocodiles, insects, and many more
Platy fish give birth through a process called livebearing, where the female fish carries and nourishes the developing embryos inside her body until they are ready to be born. What is unique about their live birth process is that the female fish can store sperm from a single mating for multiple pregnancies, allowing her to give birth to multiple batches of offspring without needing to mate again.
No, frying fish is a physical change, not a chemical reaction. The process involves changing the state of the fish from raw to cooked through the application of heat, without altering its chemical composition.
fish will live 3 days without food.
The major groups of fishes are that they can reproduce twice a day without any undeveloped process and the ink that Is incite of it's gills are common to there species
If you were to remove the water the fish is in, then the fish would suffocate.
Certain fish, such as some kinds of sharks, have a special gland to process the salt changes in their bodies as needed. Piranha and fish without that gland living in a body of water with too much or too little salt would survive as well as an astronaut on the moon without a spacesuit.