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Leave a couple paper towels on top!

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eat it .

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Q: How do you keep water from forming on pumpkin pie stored in the refrigerator?
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What temperature is water stored in a refrigerator?

it is 60 degrees Fahrenheit

What will be the temp of water stored inside refrigerator?

around 30

Would you find the fewest fermenters in marshes ocean sediments guts of farm animals mountain stream water or stored in the refrigerator?

Stored in a refrigerator. All the other places are Anaerobic habitats which are prime for fermentation.

What happens if you put an empty water bottle in the refrigerator?

Putting an empty water bottle in the refrigerator will not have any significant impact on the bottle itself. However, if the bottle is left there for an extended period, it may become moist due to condensation forming on the inside.

How much of a pumpkin is made up of water?

100 grams of raw pumpkin contains 91.6 grams of water. A pumpkin is 91.6% water.

What kind of liquid can hard boiled eggs be stored in?

vinegar water(Pickling spices) actually it is the same process of making pickles

Can sugar water help grow a pumpkin?

No, sugar water will kill the pumpkin plant. All the pumpkin plant needs is good soil water and sunlight.

What is Water stored in soil and rock is called?

Water stored in soil and rock is called groundwater. It fills the spaces between soil particles or within rock formations, forming aquifers that can be accessed through wells for drinking water and irrigation purposes.

Why may a stored sample of Na2CO3.10H2O contain less water than a sample that was not stored?

Sodium carbonate decahydrate, Na2CO3.10H2O readily loses some of the water of crystallisation eventually forming the monohydrate. It is an efflorescent salt, and its composition will change with time.

Why is refrigerator water warm?

but you just put the water in the refrigerator

Does a pumpkin float on water?

It depends on the bucket and the size of the pumpkin. Most pumpkins do float on water.

What percentage of a pumpkin is water?

Like watermelon and pulpy squash, pumpkins are about 90% water.