Add nine calendar months plus 5 days to the first day of your last period and this gives you your EDD (expected date of delivery). Eg LMP 4th oct EDD 9th July.
The expected date of delivery is an estimated date. In order to come up with the date you add one year, subtract three months then add seven days to the last day of your menstrual cycle.
Estimated due date -Estimated date of delivery -Expected date of delivery -Estimated when a woman doesn't know when she conceived or if her dates and measurements don't match.Expected is as close to knowing when a baby will arrive as anyone gets without medical intervention. Only 10% of babies arrive on their expected date of delivery -
The meaning of the acronym EDD is an acronym for many of things. Such as, estimated delivery date, estimated due date, or expected date of delivery of a baby.
I'm not an expert, but in Obstetrics GA usually refers to gestational age, and EDD usually is Estimated/Expected Date of Delivery, so I think it probably means the gestational age is consistent with the expected date of delivery.
A pregnancy calculator helps calculate the date of delivery.
There are several factors that effect the delivery date. There is all ways an expected delivery date posted on eBay.
The reason your first week of pregnancy actually starts on the week of your menstrual cycle is so that your doctor can calculate your expected delivery date!
You might have started counting the days from when you conceived the baby, but the normal starting date is from your last missed period.
Generally, the expected date of delivery (EDD) is calculated as 40 weeks counting from the woman's last menstrual period (or from the date of conception if known).
RDD = Required Delivery Date It is the date a deployed unit is required to be at their expected destination. See related links for terms related to US Army deployment.
Yes. Ultrasound scan is routinely done to know the expected date of delivery. There are many points to be noted. This one is always there.