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The clam breathes like a fish with gills. On both sides of the foot are these gills that remove oxyen and bring it in too.

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17y ago

They breath through gills

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Q: How do clams breathe?
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Related questions

Do clams and oysters have gills?

Yes, they do. This helps them filter the food that they ingest.

How are clams and worms different?

clams and earthworms are very different because an earthworm does not breathe through gills or by absorbing oxygen through their skin but all these things clams can do but clams can not live on wet or damp places like some worms can do and earthworms also are segmented worms that is how they are different.

What is a Clam lifestyle?

Clams are two-shelled mollusks that live in coastal waters and freshwater shallows. Clam shells are fused at the back with a ligament. There are two heavy muscles that open and close the shells. Clams have no head or extremities. They ingest water and food through two siphons, which are round openings. Clams breathe underwater through gills. Because they eat plankton, clams do not have to search for food. The water carries it right to them. Clams spawn in spring. The males release sperm and females release eggs into the water. When the eggs and sperm come together, fertilization occurs and new clams are born.

Do clams poop?

clams just do there do do

What is bigger clams or mussel?


What do clams start out as?

baby clams

Why do clam sqirt water?

Clams suck in and expel water through their siphon tubes to filter food particles out of the water, to breathe (by running the water over gills), and to eliminate waste.

Do vegetarians eat clams?

No, clams are animals.

How do you call a tasty dish with clams?


Can clams scream?

yes, some clams can scream. clams in imax deep sea screamed

What is the difference between Ocean clam and sea clam?

Ocean Cams are Quahog Clams (stronger tasting). Sea Clams are Surf Clams (sweeter tasting).

How many Clams in a lb?

It varies depending on the size of the clams, but on average there are about 15-20 clams in a pound.