Allium sativum, is the scientific name of garlic. that name was the mostly known name for garlic.
The name for garlic is Lasun / Lashun / Lehson.
the answer is a group of garlic
The Hindi name for garlic is "लहसुन" (lahsun).
Allium sativum is the scientific name for garlic.
The scientific name for garlic is Allium sativum .
The Latin word for garlic is alium -i, or allium -i.
Allium schoenoprasum
Bear's garlic is a wild plant related to chives, Latin name Allium ursinum.
i guess garlic presser is a more appropiate expression, since you use not the juice, but also the pulp of the garlic. Dracula
Mayonnaise with garlic in it, unsurprisingly.
Lil Wayne