There was actually fairly strong reaction to the documentary "Supersize Me" from McDonald's. They got rid of their signature extra large fries and sodas in response.
A man named Morgan embarked on a 1 month Mcdonalds binge. The movie is all about how he gained a massive amount of weight and he was sick from eating McDonalds too much.
They still have it as far as I know.
610 calories
Salads were entered in McDonalds menu around 1985
83 according to Super Size Me
It's about a guy who eats McDonalds for 30 days. He had to eat everything on the menu at least once. If the people at the front asked him if he wanted to super size it, he would HAVE to!
Kind of, an American bloke called Morgan Spurlock made a documentary/film about McDonalds and their food. He eats McDonalds meal 3 times a day for a month to se thethe physical and mental affectit has on him. Its called 'Supersize Me'.
If you are looking to persuade people from eating at McDonalds, watch the documentary film "Super Size Me" from Morgan Spurlock. He lived a whole year just on McDonalds food.
To find Mcdonalds nutrition facts online, you may go to Mcdonald's website which is If you were to scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a section for nutrition. Then download the file in pdf format and you will have the nutrition facts.
They used to do a super size. That may have been 1000 calories. The largest size now is 500 calories.