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He was Malcom X's mentor and was the head of the Nation of Islam.


In addition to the correct information above, it is to be known that Nation of Islam is quite different than true Islam teachings and rules. Refer to question below.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

While Malcolm was in prison he began to transform his life. He began to study Muhammad's teachings and he began to practice the Muslim religion faithfully. He began to digest the racial teachings of his new religion; that the white man is evil, doomed by Allah to destruction, and that the best course for black people is to separate themselves from Western, white civilization - culturally, politically, physically, and psychologically. Then in 1952 when he was freed from prison he went to Chicago to meet Elijah Muhammad. He was accepted into the movement and I was given the name of Malcolm X. He became minister of the Detroit Mosque. The following year he returned to Chicago to study personally under Muhammad and shortly after he was sent to organize a mosque in Philadelphia. In 1954 he went to lead the mosque in Harlem.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Before Prophet Muhammad's born, that era is called the Pagan times or times of ignorance. In those days, people were killing each other, robbing, stealing, gambling, drinking, and so forth. Maybe, if the prophet Muhammad did not exist, the world would be like that. All he did was call people, to expand teaching of Islam and against those who disbelieve.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Elijah is a nation of Islam.. he beginned his course for Islam in 1925 and completed in 1934... he was called " Messenger Of Allah".

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What led to the conflict between Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X?

Whats led to the conflict between Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X was that Malcolm X said something about John F. Kennedy's death was because of a chicken.

Who was the mentor of Malcolm X?

Elijah Muhammad influenced Malcolm x because he was the Muslim that made him want to be a Muslim and he was also a preachier. and later in life he became what he was.

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Elijah Muhammad, head of the Nation of Islam.

How did Malcolm X join the Nation of Islam and Elijah Muhammad?

he was received by his brother how was a follower of Elijah Muhammad in prison. Malcolm took on the virtue of knowledge and when he got out of prision in 1952 he went to find Elijah Muhammad and joined the Nation.

Who served as the leader of the nation of Islam when Malcolm X emerged from prison?

Elijah Muhammad

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Malcolm x was shocked to learn that Elijah Muhammad was secretly having relations with as many as six women within the nation of islam organisation. Some of these relationships resulted in children.

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Tension between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad, head of the Nation of Islam, led to Malcolm X's departure from the organization in March 1964.

What caused the major split between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad?

The split between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad was caused by Malcolm discovering Elijah's infidelities that was revealed to him by Elijah's son Warith (Wallace). Warith told Malcolm that his father impregnated many women who were secretaries for the Nation of Islam and were keeping them in hiding. When Malcolm found out this was true he broke free from the NOI and started his own movement, Muslim Mosque,Inc.

Why was Malcolm X called Malcolm X?

Malcolm X was given the name X by Elijah Muhammad it is suppose to reprsent the lost history of his ancestors and to rid him of his slave last name Little.

Who was Malcolm X's role model?

Malcolm x looked up to the leader of the NOI , Elijah Muhammad

Who assassinated Malcolm X?

The Nation of Islam/ Elijah Muhammad and his followers.

Why did Elijah Muhammad suspend Malcolm X from the Black Muslim movement?

Elijah Muhammad felt Malcolm overstepped his boundaries and misrepresented the Muslim faith when he spoke out after JFK was shot. He made a statement about JFK and the white race getting what they deserved.