Salinity can be measured by refractometry or conductivity, by measuring the specific gravity of a saline solution, using a salinometer. Saltiness can also be measured directly by evaporating a calibrated amount of water and measuring the mass of the remaining salt. One can also measure salinity by solvent extraction and by precipitation methods.
1 gram table salt.
A gram is about 1 grain of salt.
No, when 1 gram of salt dissolves in 1 liter of water, the resulting solution is homogeneous, as the salt particles are evenly distributed throughout the water.
There are 1,000 mg (milligrams) in 1 gram, so 0.001 grams equal 1 mg.
Just measure out one gram and multiply by 10.
1,000 1 gram = 1000 mg 1 mg = .001g
1 Teaspoon of salt is equal to about six gram of salt so 1/4 Teaspoon of salt weighs about 1-1/2 grams. To get 1 gram of sodium from table salt, you would need to ingest 2.5 grams (1 gram from sodium, 1.5 grams from chloride). A teaspoon of salt weighs approximately 6.6 grams.
This depends on the quantity of salt: 1 mg or 1 000 000 t.
A gram is a measure of mass - it does not "look" like anything.
1 kg = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kg
1 gram
Those units of measure are not compatible so the question isn't valid. kiloliter is a measure of volume. gram is a measure of weight. If you change the question to "in 1 gram of ... " then we can solve the question assuming we know the density of that thing or substance. Water has the density of 1 gram per milliliter, so if you are talking about water then the answer is 1/1000000