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First effect of coca cola on your body. Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (Theres plenty of that at this particular moment)

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Q: How can Coca Cola affect the liver?
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Coca Cola contains large amounts of sugar and caffeine. The liver turns all sugars in the body into fat that can be used as energy later.

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It makes it taste like Coca-Cola... that's kind of an odd question to ask... :) (((: January 31, 2011 :)))

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Coca-Cola is not good for kids and can cause obesity when drank in large amounts. Coca-Cola may also cause diabetes.

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deteriorating liver, kidney failure

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it will turn black

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pH probbaly.

Which is the main product of Coca-Cola?

It would be Coca Cola.

Is Coca-Cola a brand?

Coca Cola Vanilla is a product. Coca Cola is a brand.

What common drink was first named the esteemed brain tonic and intellectual beverage?

It was Coca Cola

How does coca cola affect us today?

they affect it because it helps us concentrate to be energetic.

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I love Coca Cola