If I wanted 1/2 C. of berries, I would put 1/2 C of water in a glass measuring cup. I'd add berries one at a time until the water line reached the 1 C. mark.
Yes, you can safely freeze blackberries.
No, of course not...
The ISBN of "A Taste of Blackberries" by Doris Buchanan Smith is 978-0064402288.
A Taste of Blackberries was created in 1973.
Blackberries are named blackberries when they are purple because of its dark color. From a distance, the ripening fruits seem black in color but actually it's color is deep purple.
The packaging of berries varies by size. The sizes of the berries are actually measured by weight and have labels that say the weight. The weight of each pack of berries is measured in ounces which then can be translated into pounds. 16 ounces= 1 pound
Blackberries (the fruit) will last about three months.
"Blackberries," the plural of "blackberry," is correctly spelled.
Blackberries has three syllables. Black-ber-ries
Deer, bears, raccoons, chipmunks, and many species of birds all eat blackberries as part of their diet. Blackberries are high in fiber and antioxidants, making them a healthy component of human diets too.