1/2 kilo is 17.637 ounces.
2.2 lbs equals 1 kilo, at 16 ounces per pounds (2.2x16) 1 kilo is 35.2 ounces
20 ounces = 0.567 kilograms
No 1 kilogram = 35.27 ounces 1 ounce = 0.02 kilogram
1/2 kilogram = about 17.6 ounces. (17.636981 ounces)
no 8 oz = 0.22 kg
35.27 ounces in a kilo.
35.27 ounces in a kilo.
One kilogram is equivalent to approximately 35.27 ounces.
There are approximately 35.27 ounces in a kilogram of gold.
(1/2) kilogram = 17.64 ounces. (mass) Fluid ounces are a unit of volume the mass of which would depend on the density of the substance.
Using standard conversions I came up with the following: If... 1 cup equals 8 ounces, then 8 ounces equals 226.796 grams or 1/2-pound (.499) or not quite 1/4-kilo (.226) However, this is only necessarily true for water-based liquids. Cups measure volume but ounces and pounds measure weight. One cup happens to equal 8 ounces in water-based liquids, where 1 fluid ounce equals 1 ounce. But this isn't true for Parmesan cheese or other solids (do you think a cup of lead weighs half a pound?). Unfortunately, I don't know the answer but it's probably not 226 grams!