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If properly refridgerated eggs have a shelf life of about 10 weeks.

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Q: Egg refrigerated in carton since the end of January Can we still eat these eggs?
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Yes you will need to refrigerate after opening, but it doesn't need to be refrigerated if still sealed.

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If they are fresh-squeezed or are labeled 'keep refrigerated', then they should be refrigerated. For juices that have been refrigerated that are not required to be refrigerated, as long as the seals remain intact they could be removed from the cooler for storage elsewhere.

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Does ricotta cheese need to be cooked?

Yes. Ricotta cheese is perishable and needs to be refrigerated. This makes sense because it needs to be refrigerated before it is used as an ingredient in foods so it still needs to be refrigerated. Cream cheese icings on cake should also be refrigerated.

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If it is still green and moisty, you will be ok; if its brownish and looks dry, you shouldn't eat it.

Can you still use Half and Half that has not been refrigerated all day?

Probably, but...When in doubt, throw it out!