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These are a few benefits (Advantages) I found good about drinking red wine:

1. Reduces Heart disease:

Drinking wine cuts down the risk of coronary Heart disease which can lead to a lower risk of heart attacks. It reduces Bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases Good cholesterol (which fights bad cholesterol). It is also believed that flavonoids help keep blood vessels dilated and stop red blood cells from clumping together. Although some of these benefits seem to be also obtainable from beer and other hard liquors.

2. Reduces probability of certain types of cancers.

Researchers from the State University of New York at Stony Brook found a 68 percent reduction in the incidence of colorectal cancers and abnormal growths that can become cancerous among red wine drinkers.

3. It can slow the progression of neurological degenerative disorders which happen to come during old age like the Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

4. Antioxidants:

Wine is rich in antioxidants, which reduces elements which causing cellular damage to our body.

5.Kidney stones:

Some researchers claim that taking red wine can reduce the risk of formation of kidney stones.

6. Reduce tension and good sleep:

Alcohols tend to overall reduce tension for a while, wines may work well in reducing hypertension in some cases. People often report a good night sleep after drinking wine.

7. The first drink can relax the blood vessels and reduce the amount of work the your heart has to do.

Overall Benefits:

Many people believe that drinking red wine in small quantities is overall good for body and can increase lifespan in humans. One common example which is often given are the French people, a lot of them smoke and eat fatty food still they live longer and have a lower rates of heart disease - it is believed that it is because of red wine, garlic and olive oil.

Resveratrol: White vs. red wine

Polyphenols are chemical compounds found in the skin of grapes and other plants and rich in "antioxidants that protect the body cells from damage caused by the normal process of metabolism. Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol found in red wine. Red wine provides much more resveratrol (a beneficial compound when taken in limits) then compared to white. Resveratrol is highly concentrated in the skin of grapes and is abundant in red wine. Therefore both are good but red's may be slightly better.

Some health risks (Disadvantages) for drinking wine:

1. Can increase the level of Triglycerides:Therefore higher quantities may not be good for people who especially have conditions like Diabetes.

2. Breast Cancer Risk: Most alcohols can raise estrogen levels (both red or white) .

3. Weight gain and headaches may be caused in some people.

4. Many people get allergy from wine, sometimes it is because of the additives which are added to enhance taste and storage life. Organic wine can sometimes remove those effects but organic wine is difficult to find.

5. Intoxication and getting drunk: Many people think that wine is a very light alcohol and they take it in larger quantities which causes intoxication and reduced ability to make a proper judgement. A chronic abuse of any alcohol leads to damage to the liver.

Many believe that nearly every benefit attributed to drinking a glass of wine each day can be had by drinking Grape Juice.

As doctors tell you, it is good for the heart, but of course, drink moderately.

Always consult your doctor before introducing wine in your diet. Pregnant women should ideally avoid drinking alcohol all together.

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