Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita is an Italian quality assurance designation for food and wine (particularly wine). The DOCG classification specifies the region and quality standards of the product. DOC is a lesser classification.
This is a fine wine from Tuscany that does not conform to the traditional rules and therefore cannot achieve DOC or DOCG status but instead is given IGT status.
The Abruzzo region is 50 miles East of Rome.Abruzzo produces on Docg wine and 3 Doc wines. The Docg is produced only in Teramo, The other are produced in a few other areas as well.
What is the highest classification among french wines?
Italian appellation systemItaly's classification system has four classes of wine, with two falling under the EU category Quality Wine Produced in a Specific Region (QWPSR) and two falling under the category of 'table wine'. The four classes are: Table Wine:Vino da Tavola (VDT) - Denotes simply that the wine is made in Italy. The label usually indicates a basic wine, made for local consumption.Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT) - Denotes wine from a more specific region within Italy. This appellation was created in 1992 for wines that were considered to be of higher quality than simple table wines, but which did not conform to the strict wine laws for their region. Before the IGT was created, "Super Tuscan" wines such as Tignanello were labeled Vino da Tavola.QWPSR:Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC)Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita(DOCG)Both DOC and DOCG wines refer to zones which are more specific than an IGT, and the permitted grapes are also more specifically defined. The DOC system began in 1963, seeking to establish a method of both recognizing quality product and maintaining the international and national reputation of that product. The main difference between a DOC and a DOCG is that the latter must pass a blind taste test for quality in addition to conforming to the strict legal requirements to be designated as a wine from the area in question. After the sweeping wine laws of 1992, transparent rules were made regarding requirements for DOCG entry, imposing new limits regarding the production of grapes per hectare and minimum natural alcohol levels, among others.The overall goal of the system is to encourage producers to focus on quality wine making
The pink label on Italian wines, including Chianti, is a government seal indicating that the wine meets the DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) quality standards. Each seal has three letters followed by eight numbers that constitute the license number for that wine. The letters are not an indication of quality, as is popularly believed.
Found on labels of Italian wine, the letters DOC stand for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, meaning Controlled origin denomination, an Italian quality assurance label for wine or an appellation. DOC is one of 3 different abbreviations used by Italian wine makers.
more than 300 DOC
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Wine has 12-15% alcohol, drink or distilled products have on average 40%.
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