Everybody knows how to eat healthy but sometimes people don't. That means that the French don't all eat healthy but they don't not eat healthy either.
A balanced diet is necessary for a healthy lifestyle.
French Fries are the best food for you because of the Potato intake
french fries and junk food eat healthy like fruit
There are healthy and unhealthy choices in both cuisines. You control your healthy choices no matter what country's food you eat.
Eat always healthy. You can eat sometimes fastfood; hamburgers, french fries, hotdogs..., but don't let those food become your daily meal.
No poutine is not very healthy since it consists of french fries, gravy, and cheese.
Eat healthy is "Food".
no it is not healthy to eat junk foods
Eat healthy
Your body has a better chance of being healthy if you eat healthy. It is not guaranteed, however. Many people suffer allergies, illnesses, and cancer even if they eat a healthy diet.
Eat healthy and don't eat juck
Absolutely healthy.