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The marine biologist to my right says no. It's through the base of the smaller feelers.

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Q: Do crabs urinate through their eyes?
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Do Hermit Crabs Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

no hermit crabs dontsleep with their eyes open

What animals have eyes on stalks?

crabs have eyes on stalks :)

Do crabs grow new eyes?

Yes they can

What are the features of crabs?

The stalk of the crabs eyes if cut off or got eaten, the crab is able to grow one back same to the crab's eyes.

Where is the crabs Eyes located?

The eyes would be located somewhere on the horseshoe crab.

How many eyes do crabs have?

hermit crabs can have up to 6 eyes

How do fiddler crabs look forward and back at the same time?

Their eyes are on stalks and the crabs can move them independently.

Do pigs urinate through their hoofs?

No. they urinate the same way any other animal does.

What do fiddler crabs use their antenna's?

Well it is really their eyes.

Do fiddler crabs have eyelids?

Fiddler crabs have clear scales over their eyes, but they do not have eye lids that move like we do.

Do crabs blink?

To an extent, yes, it depends on the species of crab Dungeoness crabs, and blue crabs (The most common in seafood resturaunts) have bristle like things around the edge of the sockets that brushes the debris from the eyes. Land crabs like Patriot crabs and ghost crabs have foldable "Mouth Hands" that are basically like little windshield wipers. The exeption to the land crabs is the Halloween Crab which have eye mor similar to Dungeoness crabs. Hermit crabs and subsequently crabs with similar front structure like Japanese spider crabs can fold their eyes down and also have "Mouth Hands" although all crabs have a thin, nearly invisible, coat of skin covering their eyes if you wish to see it I suggest looking for molted crab skins on the beach. Hope this helped!

Do hermitcrabs have eyes?

Of Course they do they have black balls on top of there head those are eyes.