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Q: Do condiments containing vinegar have an indefinite shelf life?
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How long does rice wine vinegar keep?

Vinegar is the last cycle of a sugar molecules life. It begins as sugar, ferments and becomes alcohol. It then ages to become vinegar. In all three cycles, there is no expiration date. So, unless it becomes contaminated, it should have an unlimited shelf life.

What is the recommended life of cochineal food colouring?

There is no shelf life of cochineal food coloring, as it is indefinite. Things with an indefinite shelf life shouldn't be that good for us. The sooner you use it, the better.

What is the shelf life of bulgur wheat?

Because bulgur is precooked, it has a very long - almost indefinite - shelf life.

What is the shelf life of baking soda?

Baking soda has an indefinite shelf life if stored properly in a cool, dry place. However, it may lose its potency over time, which can affect its ability to leaven baked goods. To test if it's still active, you can add a little baking soda to vinegar; if it fizzes, it's still good to use.

Can you use half white vinegar and half white wine to make white wine vinegar?

No. White wine vinegar is white wine that has been aged after its shelf life. Basically, vinegar is spoiled wine.

Does miracle gro expire?

Miracle Gro water Soluble plant foods have an indefinite shelf life.

Does rubbing alcohol go bad?

If it is tightly sealed and not exposed to direct sunlight its shelf life should be indefinite.

How long can you store bottled water?

An unopened bottle has an indefinite shelf life.

How long does freon last?

The shelf life of clean, dry refrigerant is indefinite. As long the the system is free of contaminants, the freon will be good.

How do you store rice wine vinegar?

Most vinegars have a nearly indefinite shelf life. If stored airtight, in a dry and cool place. You may notice that some vinegars, after long periods of time, get a sediment of sorts on the bottom or changes color. That is normal and the vinegar is fine.