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my wife works at dennys in sea-tac wash and they just found out that after working Christmas Day thinking she was getting time and a half and not spending Christmas with her family that they decided to only pay her straight time they never said nothing until after she worked 20 straight hours on christmas sounds pretty unfair any one got any ideas

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Q: Do Denny's employees get holiday pay?
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Which of these employees are eligible for overtime and holiday pay?

hourly employees

Is there a federal or state law that requires a higher level of wages to paid if you work on a holiday?

The only federal law related to holiday pay applies to federal government employees and contractors only, which provides employees with paid time off for specified holidays set by the Office of Personnel Management. Massachusetts is the only state with holiday pay requirements, that employees of certain sectors receive 1.5x their pay on certain holidays.

Does denny's have direct deposit for its employees?

Yes. Direct Deposit was implemented for all employees beginning July 1st, 2013. At my Dennys at least.

Is an employee who is paid salary entitled to public holiday pay?

In the United States private employers are not obligated to pay holiday pay to any employees, salaried or otherwise. Most choose to do so as a benefit, but as far as "entitlement" goes, no, the employee is not "entitled."

How many days are an American employee entitled per year in Holidays?

Holiday pay and/or holiday leave is not guaranteed by any federal law for non-public employees.

Will employees get paid for working on New Year's Day?

New Year's Eve is not considered a holiday, so a person can get paid on that day if it is a regular pay day. New Year's Day is a national holiday and there would be no payments then.

What Payroll?

Payroll is a process to mange employees Salaries,Net pay tax deductions and their holiday pay. I know a web base solution of this problem with the name of "Simplepay".

What restaurant starts with d?

Dennys! Dennys!

What is the birth name of Dennys Reyes?

Dennys Reyes's birth name is Dennys (Valarde) Reyes.

How much is an employee typically paid for working on a holiday?

The answer depends on the company and the industry. For instance, in many health care jobs, there is no special holiday pay.

I am on a salary but was deducted pay because of a holiday shouldn't I still receive my full salary pay check?

There is no federal law for private sector employees and very, very few state laws (Massachusetts being one of perhaps two examples) requiring employers to compensate you for days you have not worked such as holidays. If you worked on the holiday, you are entitled to your regular pay for that day. If you did not work on the holiday, it is at your employer's discretion whether to offer you the benefit of holiday pay. If company policy and practice offers holiday pay, you should have received it (unless you are still probationary), but again, this is not required by law.

When did Nicholas Dennys die?

Nicholas Dennys died in 1692.