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Q: CouldTell more lies than cracker dan?
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Are lies sometime more dependable than the truth?


Do boys lie to girls?

everyone lies. very discriminating to assume one sex lies more than another. its human nature and everyone lies.

What are some famous lies?

one of them is " There is more to life than money"

How many holes were in a C-Ration cracker?

I remember there being 54. This was used at guard mount questioning. Certainly less holes in a c-rat cracker than an MRE cracker.

Why Fm is more immune to noise than AM?

b/c information lies in frequency... while in AM information lies in amplitude and noise effects the amplitude more as compare to frequency....... there for.....

What are the release dates for Deception and Lies - 2011 More Problems Than Solutions 1-1?

Deception and Lies - 2011 More Problems Than Solutions 1-1 was released on: USA: 21 February 2011 (internet)

Which place is renowned for its cracker industry in India?

Sivakasi, it has a history of more than 600 years Its story starts from the 14 th century.

Why does CA have more earthquake than FL?

California lies on a major fault line.

Who tell lie more girls or boys?

It looks like girls tell more lies than boys do. Some of the top lies that girls make are if they have a boyfriend, their weight, and if something was on sale.

What does it mean by the camera never lies?

The meaning of the phrase "The camera never lies " is that we have an unbreakable prove.We can't prove the opposite when is more than obvious..

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How can you crack the peanut on pajama sam?

you should find a nut cracker near the cave. he would be more than happy to eat that peanut, and give you the shell