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Some synonyms include:

  • Happy and glad
  • Near and close
  • Sunny and bright
  • Quickly and rapidly
  • Thin and narrow
  • Fair and just
  • Hopeful and optimistic

    Sad and gloomy

  • Under and below
  • Select and choose

Some Antonyms include:

  • Up and down
  • Slow and fast
  • Black and white
  • Big and little
  • Over and under
  • Here and there
  • Wet and dry
  • Clean and dirty
  • Tall and short
  • Smooth and rough
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Q: Can you give me 10 examples of synonyms and antonyms?
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10 examples of antonyms?

antonyms is the opposite.

What are the simple example of synonyms and antonyms?

Synonyms are two or more words that have the same meaning.For example, joy and happiness are considered synonyms.Antonyms are two or more words that have opposite meanings.For example, up and down are antonyms.A thesaurus is a good source for looking up synonyms, and will often list antonyms as well.

What are 10 examples of antonyms?

White-black Girl-boy Male-female Water-fire Dog-cat Hero-villain Cop-robber Pilgrim-Indian Antonyms are just opposite things, synonyms would be similar things.

Could you give 10 words starting with the letters a b c d and e that have synonyms and antonyms?

This looks like your homework. Get off your backside, put your brain into gear and do it yourself. It is not that hard.

Can you give me 10 examples of synonyms with meaning?

ewan ko nag tatanong nga din ako ehh hahaha :P

Can you give me 10 examples of synonyms word using in a sentences?


Can you give me 30 examples of antonyms?

yes and no it depends ifyour dumb or smart

What is a synonym for millennium?

Just like 10 years is a decade and 100 years is a century, 1000 years is a millennium. There are no synonyms and no antonyms for the word millennium.

Can you give me 10 examples of synonyms with sentences?

the children shouted because they heard somebody scream

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