Certainly. But it really won't be drinkable. Many cooks will use an ice cube tray and freeze the last bits from the bottle, and then use them for cooking stews and sauces. And the wine cubes have to be stored in air tight containers so they don't absorb odors from the freezer.
Freeze or refrigerate it.
Yes, as it is liquid and partially water, you can freeze wine. There are a few major problems with this though, namely it wouldn't taste at all the same (or good) once thawed and would break the glass bottle it was stored in when frozen. Also, it would freeze at a much lower temperature than water, being that is alcohol.
anti freeze
Yes, they should be dark and cool, but not so cold as to freeze the wine, as that would result in burst bottles, which is both a safety hazard and a waste of money.
Don't freeze the wine yourself, but do try "Icewine," which is made from frozen Riesling grapes.
Depends what you mean by chill, freeze? or just put in ice boxes? or in a bucket of ice...Freeze? no.Put in ice box? Sure.Bucket of ice? You better.
The grapes used to make ice wine are traditionally left on the vine until the temperature drops well below freezing. Although now some producers will use industrial freezers to freeze grapes after picking.
You can still drink wine after it has been frozen, it will thaw pretty quickly. As long as the cork has not been forced from the neck of the bottle you should be fine. If the cork has come up than drink it as soon as it has been thawed. If the bottle has cracked don't drink the wine you might be drinking glass. Beware of sparkling wine, because it is carbonated and there is extra pressure from the expanding water molecules. This wine should be thawed in a sink or bathtub with a towel over it just in case.
Freezing wine does not remove alcohol. Freezing it may affect its texture and possibly some of its flavors, but the alcohol content will remain the same.
Red wine has many different parts to it, each chemical with different boiling points. The majority of the wine is water, which has a boiling point of 100 degrees centigrade. The alcohol or ethanol has a boiling point of 78.1 degrees centigrade. These are the main constituents of wine.
It usually takes about 5-6 hours for a standard bottle of wine (750ml) to freeze in a home freezer set at the typical temperature of 0Β°F (-18Β°C). However, the exact time can vary depending on the freezer's temperature and the alcohol content of the wine.
Pure ethanol (the "alcohol" that we drink) will freeze at -114 °C (-173.2 degree Fahrenheit). The closer to pure ethanol the liquid is the closer to that temp it will take to freeze it. Since most home freezers do not go anywhere near that cold they cannot freeze a liquid with a significant percentage of ethanol such as hard liquors. Beer and wine have only a few percent alcohol and so often can be frozen at home.