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How much ahead of time?

An egg is a perfect container for its contents, protecting them from damage and contamination

If you crack an egg you risk contamination by items falling into the container, spillage, evaporation, infection from germs and other foods in the vicinity.

If you do crack them ahead of time, make sure that the container into which they are cracked is clean and dry, and cover them immediately with cling-film to prevent the problems listed above. Also, keep a note of how many eggs are in the container.

SO, yes, you can crack eggs ahead of time, but why would you want to? it only takes a moment to crack a few eggs, and it is best done at the time they are required.

Additional note From a food safety standpoint, several foodborne outbreaks have occurred due to the pooling of eggs ahead of time. The bacteria did not necessarily come from the container in which they were pooled, but from the eggs themselves - either from inside the egg or from travelers on the shell of the egg. Due to this concern, the food service industry has moved to using pasteurized eggs in many instances where pooled eggs would have been used - especially in nursing homes. Do not pool eggs except for immediate use. See Related Links.

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