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You should keep foods out of the danger zone to prevent bacteria from forming on foods. Bacteria can form on foods in the danger zone after just an hour. The danger zone is under 145 degrees and over 45 degrees.

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15y ago

Absolutely. Large pots of anything put immediately into the refrigerator are at risk of spoiling because their size keeps them from cooling down to an acceptably cold temperature fast enough. You should consider dividing large batches of anything into smaller containers or using an ice wand, ice bath, or other fast-cooling method.

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15y ago

Unfortunately, cooked vegetables left at room temperature have been shown to be capable of growing bacteria that may have been introduced after the initial cooking.

Therefore, it is not recommended to consume cooked vegetables that have been at room temperature for an extended period of time. We use the 2 hour rule as a safety guideline for determining if food should be consumed or tossed in normal situations (like at a meal where the cooked foods sit at room temperature). In a power outage, we recommend that cooked vegetables in a refrigerator be tossed out after 6 hours. Since your cooked canned spinach was out at room temperature more than 2 hours, my recommendation is to toss the spinach.

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Q: Can a large pot of hot turnip greens put immediately into the refrigerator still spoil?
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Yes, you can freeze mustard greens. You must wilt the greens in a large pot of water, then store them in freezer bags.

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You could say a refrigerator is a large container, as they contain food and beverages; but they are usually referred to as appliances.

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If they are both set at and holding the same temperature - No.

Southern Turnip Green Soup Florida Cooking?

Ingredients1 bn Young turnip greens withturnips (1 pound) 6 tb Butter1 c Chopped onions1 1/2 ts Salt1 1/4 ts Sugar5 1/2 c Chicken stock2 tb Lemon juice2 c Half-and-half4 tb Cooked gritsSalt and freshly ground- -pepper to taste Cut the turnip roots off the greens. Clean and wash the greens, discarding any blemished or yellowed edges. Tear the large leaves into smaller pices. Trim the ends and peel the turnips. Cube into bite-size pieces, enough to make 4 cups. Melt 3 tablespoons of the butter in a large skillet over moderate heat. Add the turnips and saute until crisp-tender, about 10 minutes. Add the onions, and saute 5 minutes or until tender, but not browned. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon sugar, and 1 1/2 cups of the chicken stock. Blend well, stir in the lemon juice, and set aside. In another skillet, melt the remaining 3 tablespoons of butter. Add the greens and saute over medium heat for 10 minutes, until crisp-tinder. Add the remaining 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and remaining 4 cups chicken stock. Blend well and remove from the heat and cool for 15 minutes. Puree the greens in a food processor or in batches in a blender. Add the pureed greens to the turnip mixture. Mix together and reheat. Add the half-and-half and the cooked grits, and adjust the salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.

What is rutabaga good for?

This cabbage-family root vegetable resembles a large (3 to 5 inches in diameter) turnip and, in fact, is thought to be a cross between cabbage and turnip. The name comes from the Swedish rotabagge, which is why this vegetable is also called a Swede or Swedish turnip.

What does refrigerator means to football?

Someone who is every large. It began with William Perry a defensive lineman, who was given the nickname refrigerator.

How many large pans of collards greens will feed 200 people?

What is a large pan , 8 cups, 16 cups, a gallon - - -

What is large equipment?

Examples are large kitchen equipment are refrigerator, range or stove, dishwasher, or deep freeze.

Where would congressmen go in a nuclear war?

In their large lead refrigerator

How large are the greens at the Masters golf tournament?

The average length of a green at Augusta National is 34 yards.