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Q: Are mcdonald s milkshakes thickened with chicken feathers?
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Related questions

What is the difference between KFC and McDonald's?

KFC serves chicken; McDonald's is a restaurant that serves burgers, fries, drinks, milkshakes, desserts, salads, wraps, and more.

Does McDonald's use chicken feathers in ice cream?

I love sticking chicken feathers in my buns. I then proceed to dance... like a chicken with it's head cut off... YEAH!

What are the products of McDonald's?

floats (blue bubblegum, red watermelon, green apple, yellow banana) burger, chicken burger, fries, fried chicken, chicken fillet, sundae

What is the chicken in McDonald's foods?


What is a Erminette chicken?

An Erminette chicken is a chicken with a gene for black feathers and a gene for white feathers. Since the genes are co-dominant, the Erminette chicken has black and white feathers, rather than one or the other or grey.

What are the different types of feather in chicken?

contour feathers,flight feathers,primary feathers and secondary feathers

Where can you get Chicken McNuggets?

at McDonald's

What are the release dates for Chicken Feathers - 1927?

Chicken Feathers - 1927 was released on: USA: 27 February 1927

Is McDonald's meat real chicken?

the chicken is not real chicken ,but it still taste the

Do McDonald's do kids chicken burgers?


Can a hurricane blow all the feathers off a chicken?

No, a hurricane would not be able to blow all the feathers off a chicken. Feathers are firmly attached to a chicken's body, providing insulation and protection. Hurricane winds may ruffle the feathers, but they are not powerful enough to completely remove them.

Is McDonald's hamburgers made of chicken and the chicken made of beef?

no where did you hear that at