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Q: A food that can be stored at room temperature for a prolonged or indefinite time period with minimal quality deterioration is said to be what?
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What is a minimal internal temperature?

Minimal internal temperature is the least internal temperature you should cook your food. For instance if the recipe says 145 degrees F to 150 degrees F, 145 degrees is the minimal temperature.

What is the temperature at which an object's energy is minimal?

An object's energy is minimal at absolute zero, which is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, particles have minimal kinetic energy and motion stops.

What is the temperature at which an object's energy is minimal is called?

The temperature at which an object's energy is minimal is called absolute zero. It is the lowest possible temperature where particle motion ceases and entropy is at its minimum. At this temperature, the object possesses no thermal energy.

What temperature scale has a zero as its lowest temperature?

The Kelvin temperature scale has zero as its lowest temperature point, which is known as absolute zero. At this point, particles have minimal motion.

What is the temperature on the Fahrenheit scale at which all molecular motion virtually stops?

The temperature at which all molecular motion virtually stops is -459.67°F, also known as absolute zero. At this temperature, particles have minimal kinetic energy, resulting in minimal movement.

What temperature would an object radiate the least amount of electromagnetic energy?

An object would radiate the least amount of electromagnetic energy at absolute zero temperature, which is 0 Kelvin (-273.15 degrees Celsius). At this temperature, the object would have minimal thermal motion and therefore emit minimal radiation.

What are the average temperatures in May for Toulouse France?

mean minimal temperature: 9.8 °C mean temperature: 15.2 °C mean maximal temperature: 20.5 °C

What is Jamaicas average temperature?

The average temperature in Jamaica is around 85 degrees. There is a minimal amount of rainfall, and the weather is usually sunny.

Is absolute zero the point at which a substance has minimal thermal energy?

Yes, absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where a substance has minimal thermal energy. At absolute zero, the atoms or molecules in a substance stop moving and have no kinetic energy. This temperature is equivalent to 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius.

Is -273 degrees F the temperature at which all motion is at a minimum?

-273 degrees F (or -460 degrees F) is absolute zero, the theoretical lowest possible temperature where particles have minimal motion. At this temperature, atoms and molecules would have no kinetic energy, resulting in minimal motion.

Is absolute zero the temperature at which there is no molecular motion.?

Yes, absolute zero is the temperature at which particles have minimum kinetic energy, resulting in minimal molecular motion. At this temperature, particles theoretically stop moving entirely.

What is the minimal internal temperature of cooked pizza?

Until the cheese is nice and dark and brown on the outside and the crust is fully brown and crusty. There is no internal temperature required for pizza.