That is about 1.82 cups.
There isn't a direct conversion between weight (grams) and volume (cups) for sand as the density and particle size can vary. It's best to measure by weight for accuracy.
The conversion of grams to cups varies depending on the ingredient. However, as a general rule of thumb, 300 grams of a dry ingredient is roughly equivalent to around 1.25 cups. It is always best to use a kitchen scale for more accurate measurements.
It is equal to 1,000,000 micro grams.
To convert cups of sand to grams or kilograms, you will need to know the density of sand, as it can vary. A common estimate is that 1 cup of sand is approximately 250 grams. To convert to kilograms, divide the number of grams by 1000.
Grams is a measure of weight/mass, whereas cups is a measure of volume. It is not possible to do a direct conversion between the two. One must know what is being measured to make the conversion, as 39 grams of sand would be fewer cups than 39 grams of fiberglass insulation.
The density of sand can vary depending on its composition, but on average, the density of sand is around 1.6 grams per cubic centimeter. Therefore, 1 kilogram of sand would occupy approximately 625 cubic centimeters. Since 1 cup is equivalent to approximately 236.588 milliliters, 1 kilogram of sand would be roughly equivalent to about 2.64 cups." OR How much is 50 grams in table or tea spoon
About 4
That depends entirely on what is being measured because grams is a measure of weight whereas cups is a measure of volume. For example, 2 cups of styrofoam would weigh far fewer grams than 2 cups of sand.
Depends on the size of the can and the density of the sand.