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it has been predicted to happen in 2012. but i think that is all a hoax. they predicted 2009, and look at here. its 2010. 1999, 11 years. it has also been predicted that it will happen in like 2032 somewhere around that. because an asteroid is predicted to hit. it is named APOPHIS meaning (the destroyer). i personally don't believe it will happen soon. and if it does, it does. there is no changing it. but we won't have to deal with all that stress anymore if it does happen.

so just anyone who is reading this, just calm down. if you go to heaven you will not have to stress about anything anymore. just calm down if your scared, and don't worry.

Actually for all the ones predicting the date, no one knows what date not even Jesus. Only the father knows, Jehovah. We have signs to look for stated in Matthew ch. 24. called the Sermon on the Mount spoken by Jesus himself. 2 Timothy ch. 3:1-5 gives some clues of how people will be in the last days. 2 things we are waiting to happen is the United States will be defeated and false religion will be defeated by the government. Then the great tribulation will hit, something no one has ever witnessed before. worse than the world wars. but when that happens it will be too late for people to change. that's why u have to change now. and be ready. Just like if a hurricane was scheduled to hit or a tornado in your hometown you would stop everything pack bags and go somewhere safe before it comes. and the ones who don't suffer the consequences. we have to get ready now and get our relationship with God safe now. We don't want to wait and see cuz it will be too late.


Armageddon happens during the seven last plagues. If you read the context of Armageddon, it is situated in the sixth plague. Now these plagues cannot fall until the mark of the beast has been enforced and everyone has decided for or against the mark of the beast. So this battle of Armageddon is after the enforcing of the mark and during the seven last plagues.

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