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Yabbies are omnivores (meaning they eat both vegetation and meat). There are many folk tales about yabbies being either carnivores (from the yabby catchers) or vegetarians (from the aquarium keepers). The truth is they'll eat both. They'll eat bark, mud, slime, insects, each other (yes they can be cannibalistic at times). They are scavengers, thus they'll eat whatever they can get almost. The reason meat is used for catching is because it tends to attract the yabbies far easier. For the same reason (meat being a greater pollutant) in an aquarium, they are usually fed almost entirely a vegetarian diet as it helps preserve the water quality.

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13y ago
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14y ago

they can eat anything when they are hungry

they mainly live of small insects in the water, as well as algae and other aquatic plants.

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13y ago

rotting plants and meat off of dead fish

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Q: What do yabbies eat?
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err not a good idear yabbies will eat a goldfish

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No they will not eat moss. Yabbies are freshwater crayfish. They are scavengers and eat whatever they can catch or find living or dead and rotting, they also eat detrius and insect larvae.

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yes yabbies are meat eaters and if arn't fed well the will attack frogs and tadpoles

What does a freshwater yabby eat?

The yabbie either eats meat Answer. Freshwater yabbies will eat vegetation, fish, wood and meat. If there is no food, yabbies will turn cannibalistic to survive.

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yabbies or larger fish

Why are yabbies killed?

Because many people like to eat them.

Are yabbies invertebrates?

No. Yabbies are omnivourous scavengers. They are opportunistic feeders and eat whatever they can find be it dead or alive. Insect larvae/fish other smaller crustacea, rotting plants, fruits etc can all be eaten by Yabbies.

Do yabbys live in the Pacific Ocean?

Yes; these are marine yabbies - ghost shrimps - not used as food, but sometimes as bait. Freshwater yabbies are a crayfish, and good to eat.

What do murry cod babys eat?

They will eat blood worm or small yabbies, which can be purchased from most aquariums.

How do yabbies and goldfish get along?

if yabby is big enough it will eat the gold fish

Do platypuses eat yabbies?

Yes - but only very small ones. Whilst platypuses prefer smaller prey, they do eat a variety of invertebrates such as larvae, annelid worms and tiny crustaceans, including freshwater crayfish, or yabbies.

Do yabbies have bones?

No. Yabbies have an exoskeleton.