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NOTE: It is unlikely that one could get Salmonella poisoning from cooked rice - unless is has been contaminated after cooking. Bacillus cereus is a different bacteria.

Bacillus cereus This spore-forming organism is featuring in an increasing number of outbreaks of food poisoning due mainly to rice from take-away food premises. Bacillus cereus is a common contaminant of cereals including rice. At take-aways the rice is often boiled in batches then left to cool at ambient room temperature, allowing the spores to vegetate and produce heat resistant toxins. Later, raw egg may be added to the boiled rice prior to it being flash fried, a process, which will not destroy all the bacteria or the heat resistant toxins. There is also a risk that the egg may have contained Salmonella, resulting in a potent 'cocktail' of the poison produced by the Bacillus cereus toxins and Salmonella organisms. Cases involving vanilla slices have caused outbreaks of Bacillus cereus food poisoning due to the use of infected cornflour in the custard. The solution to the problems with cooked rice and vanilla slices is to cool the rice and custard as quickly as possible after cooking and then storing it under refrigeration until required for use. An easy operation often neglected by smaller operators. Yes ! See below - i would like to know the risk of this and which kinds are the worst if anyone can answer this...

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