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the original offer is revoked by counter offer

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Q: What is the effect of a counter offer on the original offer?
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What is meant by counter offer with reference to decided cases?

A counter offer is where one party rejects the original offer and makes an offer of his own. The original offer is rejected and the party that made the original offer must accept the counter offer or there cannot be a contract.

What is meant by offer with reference to decided cases?

A counter offer is where one party rejects the original offer and makes an offer of his own. The original offer is rejected and the party that made the original offer must accept the counter offer or there cannot be a contract.

What is a new offer where the terms of an original offer are changed?

You may be thinking of a counter offer.

What is cross offer and counter offer?

Cross offer - When the offers made by two persons to each other containing similar terms of bargain cross each other in post they are known as cross offers. For example, on 1st January A offers to sell his radio set to B for Rs. 500/- through a letter sent by post. On the same date B also writes to A making an offer to purchase A's radio set for Rs. 500 /- When A or B send their letters they do not know about the offer which is being made by the other side. In these cross offers, even though both the parties intend the same bargain, there arises no contract. A contract could arise only if either A or B , after having the knowledge of the offer, had accepted the same.Counter Offer - A counter offer amounts to rejection of the original offer.Legal effect of counter offer:-(i) Rejection of original offer(ii) The original offer is lapsed(iii) A counter offer result is a new offer.For example -A offered to sell his pen to B for Rs.1,000. B replied, " I am ready to pay Rs.950." On A's refusal to sell at this price, B agreed to pay Rs.1,000. Held, there was not contract as the acceptance to buy it for Rs.950 was a counter offer, i.e. rejection of the offer of A. Subsequent acceptance to pay Rs.1,000 is a fresh offer from B to which A was not bound to give his acceptance.Answered by Kirankumar.G(CMA)

What are the cases regarding the revocation of an offer?

An outright rejection can cancel an offer also a counter-offer terminates the original offer made. An example of this is the case of Hyde V Wrench 1840. Wrench offered to sell his farm for £1000. Hyde offered £950 (counter-offer) which Wrench rejected. A few days later Hyde said he would buy the farm for £1000. Wrench refused to sell and Hyde maintained that they had a contract. The counter-offer of £950 had rejected the original offer to sell of £100 so therefore the offer was rejected and there was no contract. follow @DA_iGraft

What are the effects of a counter offer?

The effects of a counter offer can be a sale. A counter offer is a response to another offer. Usually the other offer was reasonable but was rejected. A counter offer was given in hopes of it being accepted and a sale being made.

What is a 'counter offer' in legal terms?

a counter offer is a return offer made by one who has rejected an offer.

How do you back out of a singed contract?

Put in an escape clause. If the other party proposes a counter-offer, then you can void the original contract.

What is the Mirror Image rule in contract law?

In the law of contracts, the mirror image rule states that an offer must be accepted exactly without modifications. The offeror is the master of his own offer. An attempt to accept the offer on different terms instead creates a counter-offer, and this constitutes a rejection of In the law of contracts, the mirror image rule states that an offer must be accepted exactly without modifications. The offeror is the master of his own offer. An attempt to accept the offer on different terms instead creates a counter-offer, and this constitutes a rejection of the original offerthe original offer

On a real estate conteroffer does the seller sign the conter offer or wait till it's accepted?

The seller can sign the counter offer as soon as he/she is prepared to accept it. However, this has to be done within the irrevocable period stipulated in the sign back. The effect is that the counter offer says "We won't pay you X, but we are willing to pay you Y." In saying this, it's up to the seller to accept the "Y" and if this is the case then the contract comes into effect at this revised price.

What is the difference between a cross offer and counter offer?

the difference between offer and counteroffer

What is a food calorie counter?

Well, I would recommend using the food calorie counter from My Calorie Counter because they offer a variety of services and options. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.