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This should be your shareholder's funds less all provisions due and taken

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Q: What is shareholders fund unimpaired by losses?
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Is shareholders fund same as total equity?

Yes shareholders fund is same as equity and these are different names of same thing.

Is shareholders fund the same as shareholder equity?


How do you use unimpaired in a sentence?

He had unimpaired vision until after the accident.

What is a group of investors who share profits and losses?

Most likely, they would be shareholders.

Are shareholders owners of company?

The company is not always the property of the shareholders. The company is in part the property of the shareholders if it is a publicly traded company.

Are mutual fund losses tax deductible?

No. The losses have to be managed by you. You cannot claim any tax benefits on them.

What is the problem with mutual fund investing?

One disadvantage of mutual fund investing is that mutual funds are not tailored to the specific investment needs or tax status of individual shareholders

On what basis are mutual funds taxed?

shareholders are taxed on the distribution of fund's income. For tax purpose, mutual funds distribute their net income to the shareholders in two ways: (1) dividend and interest payments and (2) realized capital gains.

Define the term unlimited company?

the company where in the liabilities of shareholders are unlimited means that in case heavy losses, the personal property of shareholders will also be sold for paying of the Debt's of the company if the assets are insufficient such companies are not found in the wold. the company where in the liabilities of shareholders are unlimited means that in case heavy losses, the personal property of shareholders will also be sold for paying of the Debt's of the company if the assets are insufficient such companies are not found in the wold.

What is the responsibility of a mutual fund's management company?

The management company is responsible for selecting an investment portfolio that is consistent with the objectives of the fund as stated in its prospectus and managing the portfolio in the best interest of the shareholders.

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Why do companies want shareholders?

Companies need shareholders because the shareholders contribute funds to the company in exchange for their share of ownership. These funds finance various assets needed by the business to survive and grow. The funds may be used to build production plants, fund inventories, or buy other companies.