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FIA CSNA is the acronym for Financial Institute of America - Credit Services North America. FIA Card Services is the company subsidiary that issues visa credit cards used by Wachovia and Regions Bank customers.

If you see a FIA CSNA inquiry on your credit record don't freak out. This is probably because you have recently made a credit card application with Regions or Wachovia and it's being handled through them. Well, if you haven't made such credit application, then do freak out and make sure you dispute the transaction with the credit bureaus immediately.

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What is FIA CSNA?

FIA CSNA stands for Financial Institute of America Ð Credit Services North America. FIA Card Services is a subsidiary company that issues credit cards use by Wachovia and Regions Bank customers.

Contact fia csna? # 1100 North King Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, County of New Castle # Mbna American Bank Cayman Island Branch, P.O. Box 501, George Town

What does fia stand for?

If you're asking about FIA Card Services, it stands for Financial Institutions Association, but that name has been replaced by the more simple, FIA.This had been a unit of MBNA which processed credit cards branded for many financial and other institutions. Bank of America purchased MBNA, so FIA is a BofA unit now, and goes by the formal name of FIA Card Services.The original name was Financial Institutions Association--FIA.

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Albert Fia died in 2004.

When was Albert Fia born?

Albert Fia was born in 1915.

How tall is Fia Perera?

Fia Perera is 5' 8".

How old are you in Samoan?

Colloquial or every day language: "Ua fia lou matua?", "Ua fia ou tausaga?", "E fia lou matua?", "E fia ou tausaga?" Polite: "Ua fia ni tausaga o lou soifua?", "E fia tausaga o lou soifua?"

When was Ma'afu Fia born?

Ma'afu Fia was born on 1989-11-22.

Who is the head of the FIA?

In October 2009 Jean Todt was elected president of the FIA

What does fia poko mean in Samoan?

Fia poto is used to describe a person that "think they know everything".