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Q: What are people who own shares in a company called?
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Who buy shares of a company are know as its?

People who own shares in a company are known as its stockholders or shareholders.

What are company shares?

The are certificates showing that you own a bit of the company. Individuals owning shares in a company receive a proportion of the profits the company makes prorate to the number of shares they own. The shares are first sold on the stock market and the money raised either goes into the company or to the previous owner of the company. The shares can also be traded on the stock market and their value will go up and down depending on how well the company is perceived to be performing. If the company fails, owners of the shares will find them to be valueless.

What is share in company how many shares do companies own?

A company can issue shares, which is like slicing the ownership of the company up into thousands or millions of pieces. If you own 10 shares of Apple Corp (10 shares is worth about $1000 US, currently) you've got part ownership of Apple Corp. However, since Apple has several billion shares outstanding, you would only own a very small part of the company. It's up to the company to decide how many shares to sell. Of course the more shares they sell, the less each share is worth.

How can you find out about shares you own in a company you previously worked for?

You can go online to check associated Material or consulting other people.

Do stock owners own the company?

Yes. They own a portion of the company. If a company has 1000 shares totally and you have bought 100 of them, then you are a 10% owner of the company

Related questions

Who buy shares of a company are know as its?

People who own shares in a company are known as its stockholders or shareholders.

Can a subsidiary own shares in its holding company?

If a subsidiary own shares in holding company that would be considered as treasury.

What do companies gain by offering a share in stock market?

By offering shares, a company can raise money, that is the purpose of offering shares the first time, called an IPO, or initial public offering, once a company does this, they should have enough money to expand their business even further. Once the shares are sold, the company can not resell shares again, they do not own them anymore, the shares that were sold are now traded by the people who own them to others, and so on. If a company wants to raise more money they can issue corporate bonds.

What is the difference between shares and company?

Basically the company the the actual thing whereas the shares show how much of the company you own.

Who is Microsoft owner?

Microsoft is a publicly held company so the stockholders own. Some people, like Bill Gates, own millions of shares of the company.

What is the mening of dividend?

If you own shares in a publicly listed company (one where the shares are traded on a stock market) then, if the company makes a profit in a year, the profit is divided by the number of shares that exist and paid out to the share holders (in proportion to the number of shares they each hold). This payout is called a dividend.

What are company shares?

The are certificates showing that you own a bit of the company. Individuals owning shares in a company receive a proportion of the profits the company makes prorate to the number of shares they own. The shares are first sold on the stock market and the money raised either goes into the company or to the previous owner of the company. The shares can also be traded on the stock market and their value will go up and down depending on how well the company is perceived to be performing. If the company fails, owners of the shares will find them to be valueless.

How can you find out if you own shares in a company you previously worked for?

You can not

What is share in company how many shares do companies own?

A company can issue shares, which is like slicing the ownership of the company up into thousands or millions of pieces. If you own 10 shares of Apple Corp (10 shares is worth about $1000 US, currently) you've got part ownership of Apple Corp. However, since Apple has several billion shares outstanding, you would only own a very small part of the company. It's up to the company to decide how many shares to sell. Of course the more shares they sell, the less each share is worth.

How can you find out about shares you own in a company you previously worked for?

You can go online to check associated Material or consulting other people.

How many shares do you have to buy to own part of a company?


When a person owns shares in your company do you have to have them work there?

Owning shares in a company allows you to profit from the companies efforts, not your own....No you don't need to work there.