It depends which American money you mean. Each country has its own currency.
Check the link below for current exchange rates.
One Venezuelan Bolivar = .0005 US Dollars
Go to England
25000 British Pound equals 32355.25 US Dollar
how much is 500 kronur in english money
how much 50000 lira in english money
One Venezuelan Bolivar = .0005 US Dollars
About $3.50
5 dollars
Go to England
See for daily conversion rates.
On August 4th 2010 = $32
See for the latest exchange rates.
Around 1,000 pounds what is that in American money
it varies. you type it in on google it willl telll you
25000 British Pound equals 32355.25 US Dollar
Four English Pounds in 1775 had the same purchasing power as $596.67 USD now.
how much 90 euros in english money