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There are three gorgons Stheno,Medusa,and Euryale.Gorgons are from the greek myths,there faces were so terrible they turned living creatures to stone as they were looked upon, Medusa was the only mortal gorgon and she was originally human, she challenged Athena of her beauty and her legs turned into a tail and her beutiful golden hair turned into snakes , she was slain by Perseus the son of Zeus.

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13y ago
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6mo ago

In Greek mythology, gorgons were three monstrous sisters named Medusa, Stheno, and Euryale, who were born from the sea deities Phorcys and Ceto. They were known for having snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who looked at them into stone.

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13y ago

Athena changed them from beautiful mortals to monsters after discovering Medusa and Poseidon making love in her temple.

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Gorgons are vegetarians

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Gorgons did have wings think of MEDUSA

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Gorgons had normal human weaknesses

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What are some greek monsters?

Scylla and Charybdis, Cerberus, Medusa(and the other Gorgons), and the Hydra come to mind...

What is the singular of the gorgons?

The singular of gorgons is gorgon. As in "the Gorgon is an Ancient Greek creature".

Who was no one of the gorgons in greek mythology?

The Gorgons were three: Medusa Sthenno Euryale

Which of the three Gorgons was the only mortal?

There only were three Gorgons. Therefore, most figures in mythology, such as the Gods or Titans, weren't Gorgons. The names of the three gorgons were Medusa, Stheno, and Euryale. Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal.

When were the gorgons born?

I can't believe this is the third time I'm going to have to explain this. Greek myths DO NOT have dates, so there isn't a date when the Gorgons are born. Oh, BTW, the three gorgons weren't born gorgons. They were three beautiful girls, but they were cursed by Athena.

Who was the oldest of the gorgons?


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