"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is set in a fantastical world filled with magical creatures, peculiar landscapes, and nonsensical events. The story takes place primarily in Wonderland, a whimsical realm where logic and reality are often twisted and distorted. The settings include the Mad Hatter's tea party, the Queen of Hearts' croquet game, and the mysterious depths of the rabbit hole.
The setting is Wonderland. Its a strange and to a degree crazy world that Alice enters by falling through a rabbit hole. The land is populated in the main by animals who act as normal people. The physical size of Alice changes as well as does the size of the inhabitants so that everyone is of a similar frame.
However, the story also partly takes place in the real world, where Alice starts by sitting next to her sister, and wakes up in Wonderland. In the story, Wonderland is a dream world. The story was written so that it presented the "world" through the eyes of a child, Alice
Wonderland , a world of wonder .
Alice had adventures in Wonderland in the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.
Alice's Wonderland was created in 1923.
Alice in Wonderland the Seccond was made in 1951
Alice - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - was created in 1865.
There is no Didi in Alice in Wonderland. There is, however, a Dodo.
The flamingo is pink in Alice in Wonderland.
The duration of Alice's Wonderland is 720.0 seconds.
The Pigeon in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" called Alice a serpent.
she thought she was dreaming when she was in wonderland but she really was in wonderland.
Alice wonderland
Alice in Wonderland will be released on June 1, 2010.