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Helena Bonham Carter - she can act stong minded and evil (like in Harry Potter) but can also act troubled and she can act kind and caring to the King (like in Charlie and the Chocolate factory)  

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Tilda Swinton might make a good Lady Macbeth due to her versatility in playing complex and intense characters, as well as her ability to convey a sense of calculated ruthlessness onscreen.

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Q: What actress would make a good Lady Macbeth?
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Why would Nicole kidman be a good actress to play lady Macbeth?

Sure, why not? She has shown she can play evil but plausible characters.

What is Macbeth's reaction to the witch's prophecy of his future?

Lady Macbeth is excited about it. Macbeth is of two minds: "This supernatural soliciting cannot be bad; cannot be good."

What was Lady Macbeth's role in the William Shakespeare play?

She is 100% responsible for it. At the beginning of Act I Scene 7 Macbeth decides that it would do no good to kill the king. However, Lady Macbeth totally turns his decision around by playing on his masculinity and pride.

Why was Lady Macbeth a good wife?

Lady Macbeth was seen as a "good wife" because she was supportive of her husband Macbeth's ambitions and willing to take decisive and ruthless action to help him achieve his goals. She manipulates and pushes Macbeth toward power, showing her loyalty and dedication to their shared aspirations. Ultimately, her unwavering devotion and strategic mindset make her a powerful and influential figure in the play.

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Lady Macbeth tells the guests that this is just a strange habit Macbeth has. "Think of this, good peers, But as a thing of custom. 'Tis no other; Only it spoils the pleasure of the time."

Who would be a good actress to play as lady macbeth?

To play Lady Macbeth I would have to choose Helena Bonham Carter because she can act strong minded and evil (like in Harry Potter) but can also act troubled and she can act kind and caring to the King (like in Charlie and the Chocolate factory.) Helena Bonham Carter is best known for her eccentric roles, particularly Ms. Lovett in Sweeney Todd and Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter movies. Through her, Lady Macbeth would keep her strong (though eventually eroded) will and ambition, but gain a dark sense of humor, which I think would benefit a big-screen adaption of the play.

Is Lady Macbeth the reason for Macbeths fall?

Lady Macbeth plays a significant role in influencing Macbeth's actions and decisions, particularly in persuading him to commit regicide. However, ultimately, Macbeth is responsible for his own choices and decisions that lead to his downfall, as he chooses to listen to his own ambition and the prophecies of the witches. Lady Macbeth's influence is a contributing factor, but not the sole reason for Macbeth's fall.

What will Lady Macbeth get out of Macbeth being king?

Lady Macbeth will become Queen of Scotland. The reason why she wants him to commit treason is for the benefit of her crafty self. When he becomes King she will become Queen. She is not thinking of anyone bar herself and she is using Macbeth to get to the throne. Macbeth sadly falls for his 'good' wife's idea and ends up committing a bad deed!

What are lady Macbeths criticisms of Macbeth?

Lady Macbeth knows that Macbeth is a good man, a worthy, noble, good soldier. But she feels that he is too full of the 'milk of human kindness' (i know its meant to be a good thing, but the is the most eviliest woman in English literature we are talking about) , when it comes to killing the king. She questions his manliness, saying she is more of a man than he is. This is how she manages to convince Macbeth to kill Duncan(the king).

What does Lady Macbeth characterize Macbeth as being?

She thinks he is a valiant, noble, worthy, good, brave , ambitous soldier. But she thinks his flaw is have to much of the 'milk of human kindness'.

How does Lady Macbeth characterize Macbeth while she is reading his letter?

Lady Macbeth paints a picture of her husband as the weaker of the two of them. She laments that he may be too gentle in nature to do the deed she believes must be done. This may seem a bit much considering her husband is returning from a battle in which he victoriously put his enemies head on a pike. However, Lady Macbeth knows that, at heart, Macbeth is a good, and just man. She does not see that as a virtue, however. She sees it as a weakness that must be culled.

Lady Macbeth relationship with Macbeth?

Shakespheare shows the relationship of Macbeth lady Macbeth shakespeare shows they are very close and trust worthy at the start when they have just come from battle. because Macbeth writes a letter to lady Macbeth just when he has come from the battle and they didnt no each other that well but then in mthe letter at the end it says to my dear one but later in the play there relationship ain't all that because are arguing and angry because they are discussing about kilkling the kingn lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to do but Macbeth dosent want to