They do it because; they like to make you laugh, they like to touch you and they like to know that they can inspire a reaction from you.
On her sides! That always gets me [i'm a girl] :)
On her foot
So they can get her attention
You really don't want to know
A wierd word a girl says on Wizards of Waverly Place. Ex:Harper said "Tickle Hawk,Tickle Hawk"(for no reason)
You Yawn and KISS HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take the sandels off
Well, all you have to do is reach out to the girls boob and pull down there bra and shirt then reach out to there boobs and tickle them. Works even for me! Hope it helped!
whats the game and ill tell you how to win
Tricking a girl into giving permission can be considered sexual harassment. Keep your hands to yourself and if you want to tickle someone one ask them straight out for permission.
Usually, the fingers. In light/slow moving motions. Drives a girl crazy:)