Do something extra; clean house, do extra chores, do your chores without being asked, ask multiple times if there is anything you can do to help out, ect. Chances are your parents will see that you really are trying to make up for it and go easier on you.
tell her your sorry for what ever you have done say you no do it again.
help her around the house make her an cup of tea and give her an hug and kiss say that you love her then go up stairs for 5-10 mins and then go to her and say mum do you like what i have done for yu? and then sit down and say im really board what can i do. then she sould unground you if you get in the right side of her that's what my mum dose to me :) hope it works for you.! x
Splaat Gets Ungrounded For Nothing
Splaat Ungrounds The Colored Splaats And Gets Ungrounded
Splaat Goes Back To School And Gets Ungrounded
Splaat Behaves At Toys R Us And Gets Ungrounded
The only way to get ungrounded after sneaking out is to talk to the person who grounded you. They may not lift your punishment no matter what.
"ungrounded" = floating.
be polite
White, grey, and green are the three colors that ungrounded conductors are not permitted to be on a conductor.
An ungrounded conductor is often referred to as a hot conductor. It carries the current from the power source to the load and back, typically in an electrical circuit.
You can use a wire tester to check for a ungrounded wire. Attached the wire tester to the battery posts. The tester will show you if the ground is weak or strong.
Profounded surrounded ungrounded
A Series Of Splaat Who Was Not Grounded