A cougar someone who likes dating a younger woman
It's not called anything. Why do people find it important or necessary to attach names or labels to people dating or in a relationship. Unless it's an adult going after CHILDREN (pedofiles) it doesn't matter! Who cares! There are PLENTY of creepy people who go after someone their own age with terrible intentions. No one attaches labels to that.
The slang term is a cub.
A man who is attracted to older women is often referred to as a "cub" or a "cougar hunter."
A man that likes to insult older women can be called a insecure. Most people who insult others, for whatever reason, usually do it because they are insecure.
well, some older men likes younger women for their personalities, but some they just do use them for sex. It depends on what kind of a person that older man is.
This is not a real term but will work... A prostitot is someone of young age who puts out at a young age to older men.
An older man who likes young boys
When a woman sees a man she likes, she smiles.
A dingo, I believe.
Chubby chaser.
A heterosexual is a man who is attracted to a woman. A heterosexual. Or straight.