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Still life is in reference to a painting or piece of art. It typically consists of an arrangement of objects that contract with each other.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

A painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers.

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Q: What is still life?
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What are the types of still life?

Vanitas was a major type of still life in the 17th century in the northen Europe mostly in the Netherlands. Still life photograghy is a new modern type of still life containing phots of still life art.

How can i put still life in a sentence?

I painted my first still life. The artist drew a still life of a vase of flowers.

Why do artists create still life?

Artists make still life for the beauty of it. Think about it, have you ever seen an ugly still life?

Who is the master of still life?

Anthony Christian is the Master of still life

When was Still Life with Guitar created?

Still Life with Guitar was created in 1991.

Which vargas painted still life?

i have a vargas still life from the Philippines in 1970

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Study in Still Life was created in 1959.

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Movement in Still Life was created in 2000.

When was Living Still Life created?

Living Still Life was created in 1956.

When was Composition with Still Life created?

Composition with Still Life was created in 1937.

When was Still Life with Crows created?

Still Life with Crows was created in 2003.

When was Still Life With Rice created?

Still Life With Rice was created in 1997.