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It is when you talk to someone without actually listening to them. For example, your boss is telling you instructions but your favorite TV show is on. You continue focusing on the TV but whenever your boss pauses or asks "OK?" you simply/automatically reply "uh-huh." in a monotone voice. Usually afterward you don't remember anything you were talking about.

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Q: What is idle conversation?
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What is a sentence for the word idle?

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When taking customer service calls what is the difference between dialogue and idle conversation?

Any call that has two-way conversation would be regarded as dialogue. Idle conversation is a type of dialogue, also known as banter, that may be considered by some as meaningless small talk. I would argue, however, that -- especially in business situations with a stranger -- small talk is exceedingly valuable for better understanding, building rapport and, ultimately, trust.

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Idle is an adjective (idle threats) and a verb (to idle).

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Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow was created in 1886.

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Rephrase, Idle air control, idle circuit carburetor or

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