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well im a 13 yr old girl and i have alot of guy friends and they all like a girl with

1.good personality

2. maybe goodlooking (they wouldn't care as long as ur sweet) ( sum of em) be casual and not anoying when ur with em

4.don't become obsessive bout em they h8 it when ur asking what did ya do or where were u all day they really h8 it and that will make them brk up with u

5.they like a funny girl or even if u have a bit of a sense of humour they will like you for that

6.they like to go off with theyre friends sumtimes so let them cuz if wanna go with them all de time then they will get annoyed yourself ( guys h8 it when ur fake ) interested in atleast one thing they dp otherwise theyll think u arent interested in them at all and then they wont be interested in u and ask questions but not too many just a bit to let him know u like him

9. try to get to know sum of his friends to find out what he is like so he knows that u like him enough to find out bout him he will appreciate it (sum of them)

10.finally they like when you spend time with them but let them spend time to themselves too and be active

11. wait one more actually my friend (who is a guy) said he likes when a girl is confident but not to confident (which means that they arent full of themselves like selfcentered boys h8 it ) and that u don't have to change just because u have a bf they like you 4 u

all these were aprroved by my boy m8s and they said nearly every lad likes a girl with these things so juat to let you know no one is really like this no one is perfect that's just what a guy would like you to be like but it doesnt mean he wont like u 4 u just ask him or get a friend to ask if he likes you if ur nervous if he make a comment like oh yeah i do like her but she never talks to me so just casual and be urself and hell luv it

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